Port Orford Oregon

Well, I finally made it to my new home at the Camp Blanco RV Park in Port Orford Oregon – at least for the next 6 months.

The trip was about 1400 miles over 4 days and I traveled up I5 most of the way to avoid narrow, winding roads. I’d originally planned to spend April near Redding California but I found out there’s a festival (Kool April Nites) at the end of the month and I’d waited too long to try to book anything – and I’m too cheap to pay weekly rates. Luckily I was able to add on another month here.

My RV needed maintenance and a few things fixed, including the water pump, before I could leave Tucson but as soon as it was done, Teddy and I were on the road.

My first night was spent boondocking outside of Joshua Tree National Park. I just happened to see all the other RVs as I was driving by on the highway. I arrived pretty late but still managed to find a spot. Just make sure you have 4-wheel drive since there’s some deep sand in places.

The second night I found Dos Reis State Park in Lathrop, California. I got the LAST available spot and I’d completely forgotten that Sunday was Easter so most of the parks were full. It’s a small, quiet park and Teddy wasted no time jumping into the river a few times after running around in circles at full speed like the crazy dog he is.

My third night, I stayed in Weed, California at the Friendly RV Park. The owners are nice but the park is a little noisy as it’s right off Interstate 5. Teddy and I took a walk to the water tower for a nice view of Mt. Shasta.

It’ll be a few days before I’m ready to really explore hiking areas but here’s a few pictures from right up the road.

Here’s Teddy looking at the ocean – I can almost hear him thinking, “Holy CRAP, that’s a big lake.”

4 thoughts on “Port Orford Oregon”

    1. Hey JT… He’s actually on medication for another month or so then he has to be retested.. but he’s definitely better! (Although a little freaked out by all the green vegetation here… LMAO)

  1. dogpark Margaret

    Shared your trip notes with the rest of the dog park gang. We were all so happy to hear you arrived at your destination safely.. Great to see Teddy enjoying the sights! Be well and happy … both of you!

    1. Thank you Margaret! I’m enjoying everything you put into that bag! Lemon curd mixed in Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries is the BEST! I’ll be posting again soon…. just waiting for a few sunny days!

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