Barklow Mountain West Hike and Sisters Rock, Oregon

I know, I know… I’ve been slacking in exploring new places but work has kept me glued to my desk! (Grrr…) Here’s a few new pictures – and a video I took of Teddy – Warning: It’s very “cute”. lol

Barklow Mountain West Hike:

I originally tried to find this hiking trail last year but it was too early in the year and the road was impassable due to downed trees and avalanches. (even the websites I found made notes of this: “It’s best to do this drive in the dry summer season after winter/spring rockfall has been cleared up.”)

This is a 4.5 mile hike (in and out) with an elevation gain of 1080′ and the high point is at 3,579′ and is located in the Copper Salmon Wilderness. It’s the wilderness’s highest peak and the site of a former fire lookout.

The most challenging part of this hike was the drive there! The first 19+ miles takes you up along the Elk River where there are some wonderful swimming holes. The paved road is narrow and winding and goes up past the Sunshine Bar Campground and the Butler Bar Campground. You really need to watch out for avalanches and HUGE crevices – where the pavement is starting to fail due to water undermining the road. Then you continue on Forest Road 5201 for another 8.4 miles. It’s a gravel road that’s seldom used and kind people have jammed tree branches into HUGE holes so you don’t end up stuck. I only ran into a few guys on dirt bikes. Oh, and let’s NOT forget to mention the STEEP drop-offs along the way. lol

The hiking trail is only marked with a small trailhead sign so you’ll need to keep your eyes open. It’s what I would rate as a “moderate” hike for this area. You’ll pass through thick growths of manzanita and Douglas Fir. There’s a few switchbacks near the end of the hike. There’s also a few places where the trail just forks – just remember to keep going UP. (lol) From the top you’ll get fantastic views of the North Fork Elk River and Copper Mountain.

Sisters Rock

Sisters Rock is a short hike (south of Port Orford) that takes you out to some sea caves. Another beautiful spot along the Oregon coast.

… And last but not least: TEDDY!

2 thoughts on “Barklow Mountain West Hike and Sisters Rock, Oregon”

  1. Marianne and Larry

    Beautiful country. The roads sound like some here in SW Colorado that were only recently opened since winter snow and avalanches. So glad you have Teddy! Wonderful companion! Enjoy the rest of the summer!

    1. Thank Marianne! It DID remind me of a few of the roads I took when I was visiting you! Hope you and Larry are doing well! I hope to be back in your neck of the woods one day in the near future!

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