Trees of Mystery, Klamath, California

I decided to check off “Trees of Mystery” from my list of places I wanted to see before I left Oregon. I’ve passed this place multiple times back in 2013 when I stayed in Brookings, Oregon and always thought it looked too much like a tourist trap to bother with.

Well, it turns out that it IS a tourist trap… but it was also kind of cool.

The Trees of Mystery is located in the heart of the Redwood National and State Parks. They have a groomed interpretive trail that winds around some pretty impressively sized trees. There’s also the Sky Trail gondola ride which travels about 1/3 of a mile over the tree tops to an observation deck.

I’d have to say that one of the best parts was that Teddy was allowed everywhere including the gondola ride! That’s not to say he was overly happy to travel in the gondola. As a matter of fact, I walked down the 1 mile long Wilderness Trail rather than put him through the ride down. lol

Their website states: “The Wilderness Trail is an optional way down the mountain for experienced hikers with proper footwear.” It was pretty steep and slippery for the first 1/2 mile but they have a rope you can grab on to so you don’t slip.

On the “Trails of Tall Tales” they have various wood carvings depicting the lore surrounding Paul Bunyan… and it may be my imagination but I think “Paul’s Girlfriend” looks exactly like Willem Defoe.

I’m also including some photos of the surrounding beaches and Teddy’s first encounter with a porcupine! He saw it in the middle of the trail before I did and just barked at it. Luckily he listens really well and didn’t venture too close.

6 thoughts on “Trees of Mystery, Klamath, California”

  1. dogpark Margaret

    Loved the Trees of Mystery tour … never would have gotten to see it otherwise! Very magical AND it includes a gondola ride WITH TEDDY! Those island rocks always remind me of the small peaks south of A Mountain when they are surrounded by low clouds … my Tucson islands! As always your photos are lovely and much appreciated!

    1. Thank you Margaret! Teddy WAS a brave boy, even though he was scared half to death, lol. I’ll be heading back to Tucson soon via Reno, Nevada – trying to avoid all the California wild fires while not encountering snow! lol

  2. Hillary, I enjoyed these and I think a go-pro camera on Teddy would be the answer!
    What camera do you use? Your pictures are always very good!

    And here is a thought, can you mix in audio and a few videos on this site?

    Miss you! I hope all is well back in Tucson!

    1. Hi Larry!

      *laughs… it would be kind of cool to put a go-pro camera on Teddy – except he likes to charge through underbrush where he somehow loses things like collars… And if you want audio and video, you’re going to need to go to Hollywood. lol I’ve been taking photos with my iPhone XR. It does take pretty nice images. I also just got back to Tucson this last Tuesday. It’s TOO HOT! lol

      Miss you too!

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